About Us : National Register of Big Trees

About Us


My name is Derek McIntosh. I am the Register Coordinator.

I was born in South Africa, and I have been a lover of trees since my teenage years. In 1981 I immigrated to Australia. I am now fulfilling my dream of creating the National Register of Big Trees for Australia. My background is real estate development.

I have a group of expert supporters that advise on the botanical aspects of the nominated species etc.

The Register will not be owned by me. My goal is to create an Incorporated Association, or similar legal entity that will own the Register. Subscribers to this Association will be determined as the project develops.

My office-residence is in Manly. I am equipped with all the necessary office equipment, software and communication tools. An ACT database has been created that has all the data fields necessary to record tree data, and related information. This database will also have contact details of organisations and individuals that have any dealings with the Register. Regular backups are done and stored off-site.

The principal expert who provides invaluable help is Dean Nicolle, Adelaide S.A., and in addition, he is a major nominator of trees. Dean is the author of many tree books and publications - www.dn.com.au. Brett Mifsud is the nominator of many of the big forest trees in Tasmania and Victoria and his tree climbing skills make height measurement of these trees possible and accurate.